Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A little crafty box

I got a random hair the other day and decided that the "storage" that we had in my daughters room for her books was just not happening. It honestly was the box we packed them in when we moved here a month ago. Since she is little and is climbing on everything I was not sure that a bookcase was such a good idea, she pulls just about everything over on herself. I found baskets and all sorts of plastic containers and fabric lined boxes...there's an idea... though not one of them screamed "little baby girl." Since my daughter is getting to an age where she doesn't need all her baby blankets, I thought it would be cool to cover a box for her books with a couple.
Her old receiving blankets were perfect, though I did use about one and a half blankets to cover the box pictured.

I started by measuring and cutting the blanket on the outside of the box, this way I was sure to know that it would also fit on the inside of the box. By the way, I love duct tape, for all kinds of things, this time it just happens to be holding the blanket in place while I work on the other side of the blanket.

I cut two long pieces, one for the inside and one for the outside, that fit from the top of one side of the box across the bottom and up the other side. Then I cut squares that fit each end of the box, again one set for the inside and one for the out.

Then, I fit the long piece into the inside of the box, trimmed the extra, and glued down the creases in the bottom first with a white school glue and weighted it with a good sized text book, who knew they would come in so handy. After that dried, I pulled the top over the sides and glued those, using my friend duct tape to hold it in place. I folded over the edges to the side squares and glued them before I glued the squares in place on the box. Those were also rolled over the top of the box and glued.
Then I repeated almost the same thing for the outside except I folded in the rough edges to give it a more finished look. Yep, again with the duct tape.
Here is the finished product, turned out nice, if I don't say so myself and it is the perfect size for baby books. Looks nice in her room too. Love getting organized (Well, trying to, anyway.)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Soap porn Sunday!

The title kind of seems like it contradicts itself, doesn't it?!?! I thought I would share some of my soap porn today. I was jones'n for some sudsy images.

Anise Clove Vegan Handmade Soap

By DeShawnMarie

Lulu, Limited Editition, goats milk soap

by The Dirty Housewife

Lemongrass Sage

By Sherries Scents and Soys

Black Cherry Vanilla.....mmmm

by Angels Kiss

Love these, just makes you wanna jump in to the shower and rub them all over...mmmm.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


It is amazing what fear can do.
Many great ideas go to waste, innovations never happen, and life upgrades go un-upgraded.

When I left my last job in a casino, it amazed me that one of my co-workers said they envied me because I was going back to school and getting a new job and they could never leave there for fear. Fear of what? Fear of failure and change.
Taking on something that was different from her norm was too frightening to her. It's not that she didn't want to...fear was keeping her from other possibilities.

A new position for me just opened up, it would be great experience towards my goals, and the idea of taking it on SCARES me, right down to the particles of my being. The idea also makes me want to do something and I realize the possibilities, and that excites me. So, I hold on to the excitment and the possibilities and leave the fear in the back somewhere because without it the others would not exist.

Fear just needs to grabbed by the horns and embraced. Fear leads to anxiety and excitment, the need to take action and getting something done.

One of my favorite blogs that I stumbled upon just recently for my life tool box is all about fear and over coming it. It is inspiring to read and makes you want to go out there and "get'em."

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood. Marie Curie

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Patience is NOT a virtue!

I started this blog to kind of share the wonderful soapings, crafts, baking, and other entertaining things that I love to do. I embrace many philosophies and I will share those, too. For the most part this blog is about my passion of soap making and how exquisite and beautiful it can be...bubbles...lather...slippery....mmmm...ssooaapp!!

I have been soaping for many years now, around seven or eight years, I guess. I love it. My first batch started with only olive oil, water, and lye. Boy, has it has come a long way since then. Colors and fragrances, and failed batches. I actually never experienced defeat with a batch until a year ago and of course after the first failure there was a second right after and a third...well, you get the point. Recently, I have been neglecting my passion for more educational pursuits and realized that I was jones'n for some creative lather. Hence, I am hope'n the blog will help keep my creative side tame by sharing my creative suds here (plus, creating more often).

I ordered some fabulous supplies, I have run out of my stock and need to reload, and am waiting patiently for the truck with my box to appear. I am almost antsy with anticipation, but patience is a virtue, right? Wrong! it is a necessity, in this case at least.
So, I will be waiting, patiently or otherwise to see the ingredients to my next experiment in suds.